Hello there readers of the world. Welcome back to this sexy book blog and continuing my reviews of Opal Carew, I'm going to talk about MASTERED BY THE BOSS.
Ryan Blair has wanted Kali from the first moment she started working for him six months ago. So when he sees a stunning stranger in a mask and sub costume who could easily pass for Kali, he decides to play out the fantasy of mastering his sexy little secretary. Maybe that will alleviate his constant yearning for her.
When her wealthy, masterful boss takes Kali to the heights of ecstasy, not even knowing it’s her, things start to spin out of control.
When Ryan figures out that she was his Cinderella sub, their days in the office become a roller coaster of passionate, mind-blowing sexual pleasure. But Kali quickly realizes that all there will ever be between them is sex and she needs so much more than that.
Should she walk away now before the pain of losing him becomes too much?
Kali is the perfect female character. She's sweet and vulnerable. Ryan Blair is a mysterious man. I feel as if there's something cold in him. But there is a touch of romance in him deep down. Now I don't want to give too much away from this book.I read the book a year ago but I recently bought the audiobook and listened to it on the subway. I highly recommend the eBook and the narrator will melt you! When I *read* it, it reminded me why I loved Carew.
Kali is a young girl who is dressed up by her *fairy godmother* Serena. This girl gets her ass to a ball where her boss (yes there is tension between them) the boss, Ryan likes her. But none of them know each other and the story moves on from there, and it quenches your thirsts. Kali, unlike Jacqueline, is less likable in my opinion. She doesn't have that much motive, but she is nice. Same goes with Ryan because I felt that with Race, he was in depression whereas Ryan simply wants her.
Kali goes to a masquerade party dressed as a sexy sub. She shouldn’t let her friend talk her into it, but behind the anonymity of the mask, Kali's inhibitions fade away.
Ryan Blair has wanted Kali from the first moment she started working for him six months ago. So when he sees a stunning stranger in a mask and sub costume who could easily pass for Kali, he decides to play out the fantasy of mastering his sexy little secretary. Maybe that will alleviate his constant yearning for her.
When her wealthy, masterful boss takes Kali to the heights of ecstasy, not even knowing it’s her, things start to spin out of control.
When Ryan figures out that she was his Cinderella sub, their days in the office become a roller coaster of passionate, mind-blowing sexual pleasure. But Kali quickly realizes that all there will ever be between them is sex and she needs so much more than that.
Should she walk away now before the pain of losing him becomes too much?
Now, this is the second installment in the sexy MASTERED BY series.
And it's one of my favorites!!!
This book is kind of a re-telling of Cinderella. It's very sexual and hot. Carew provides you a perfect blend of fantasy, sex, and story.

That's really one of the only things that bugged me about this novella. However, the sex scenes were on fire. I don't think that you can say that Carew's love making scenes are horrible. The Mastered By series are very graphic and are beautifully written in third-person perspective.
I loved the way this book ended. SPOILER ALERT! It ended in sex, but it made me smile and giggle to myself. I don't know why, but it was so nice. I seriously hope Opal Carew writes a sequel to this novella and if not I'll make a petition or ask her to write fan-fiction and get it published!!!
Sorry that this review is short. But when you love something sooo much you kinda don't know where to start and you often have so many thoughts going through your mind.
Would I recommend this book?
Yep!!! I would?
So the rating you may ask?
Purchase link: here
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