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Mine *Review*

Hello readers of the world! Welcome back to my blog and today I'll be reviewing a novel which originated from Wattpad and is one of the few books that are well on the platform. Today I'll be reviewing Bethany Shay Porteous's Mine!

I reached out to the author to do an interview and we'll just see what happens. Also to let you guys know I'm going to be reviewing a little bit more Wattpad works but not at the moment.

Bethany Shay Porteous is a young romance and fantasy author from Australia. She published her first novel ‘Wolfsbane’ when she was nineteen. Bethany started writing at the age of eleven and her writing evolved from young adventure stories, to young adult romance and fantasy novels. To Bethany, writing is not a chore or a job; it's an escape to another world and a chance to share her many worlds with others.

For most wolves packs are a family unit. They always have a safe place to stay and a friendly face to turn to. For Charlotte Anderson, packs represented everything she didn’t want in her life. 
After living away at college for two years as humanly as possible, Charlotte is forced to return home by her estranged Alpha wolf father.
Upon arrival, Charlotte is thrust into her own worst nightmare when she discovers she’s been betrothed to the recently widowed Alpha of Michigan. In an act of defiance Charlotte makes her escape, only to run into the arms of her true mate, the most feared and ruthless Alpha wolf in the US. With her life turned upside down and with a deluded Alpha on her tail, Charlotte must unravel the secrets of her strong and mysterious mate, while discovering who she really is.

Okay, so where do I begin with this massive novel.

I really don't want to get into too much detail about this novel because I really can't. It's very long (I don't mean it as a insult) and it's sort of complicated so I'll just critique it instead.

I love a good erotic novel and that's why I started this blog. This book is one of the first erotic novels I've read that have werewolves in it. I did enjoy that aspect of this novel and Porteous makes it seem as if it is normal to be one.

The characters even though they are fiction, seem very realistic. The author takes her time in this story to develop them and she does it very naturally. The story is told from the heroine's perspective. I felt that if the novel was written in third-person, we could see more of the characters.

First person is kind of a hard sell for me and the novel has to be terrific. I felt like I was getting all of the character's perspective in a way. The form of which Charlotte tells her story makes us feel as if we aren't missing anything (even though we are).

I did enjoy Charlotte. She was basically fighting for her life and at time she could get a tad *bitchy*. But that's what I like about her, she isn't afraid to speak at some points in this novel.

Kyron on the other hand to me feels as if he's completely anti-social. But with a little twist he's a murdering alpha!!! And guess what, he's been talking the whole time in this novel. I liked that little surprise I guess because I was in depth when I read this book. I thought I knew or at least Charlotte knew what was going on or what were the main actions that were happening.

Now the part that everyone wants to know. How were the sex scenes you may ask?

I think they weren't as tender as I hoped they'd be. But they are graphic but not like Opal Carew graphic. They were overall good. But go into this book for the story and not only for the sex. If you only want sex, buy a One Shots Book or something.

The storyline itself is so heart-touching. Charlotte is one of my new book friends and hopefully she'll always be.

I give this book a 3.5/5 and I would recommend it if you want a werewolf story or an erotic fantasy story.

And also I would like to say that even though the writing was good it did feel like it was written by a teenager.

Click here for the links of where to purchase
(Note: Paperbacks aren't only available on
CreateSpace, they're on Amazon as well.)
Click here for the author's website
Click here for the author's wattpad page

I enjoyed this book so I wanted to reach Ms. Porteous out to do an interview. I sent out two emails to her and she still hasn't responded! 
I'm not too pleased about that because at least she could have told me that she was not interested or something.
But I don't think you guys are expecting an interview from the author of every single book. But on the bright side I will be doing an interview with Kelly Anne Blount and Ansela Corsino and I also did an interview with another widely known Wattpad author Mina V (also a giveaway so head on over to that blog post before your time is up). 
I've also reached out to other authors such as Tina Folsom, Grace Callaway, Apryl Baker and I will reach out to Alex Lux (Karpov Kinrade) for one as well.

Sorry I was a tad late with this post. I've been so stressed latley so please bare with me.


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