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Played By The Master *Review*

Hey there readers of the world! I hoped you enjoyed my last post which was an interview with one of erotica's best authors Opal Carew. Now I'll be posting a series of reviews of her MASTERED BY series as well as a review for her upcoming story DIRTY TALK (I'll be reviewing it tomorrow)


From New York Times Bestselling Author Opal Carew comes the first story in her new Mastered By erotic romance series. A story of Domination and submission, where breaking the rules of the game is where the fun begins, when Jacqueline crashes a billionaire’s exclusive poker game in order to seduce him into granting a favor to save her sister, but instead finds herself Played by the Master.

Jacqueline Bell desperately wants to help her sister out of a jam. But to do that, she has to find a way to talk to billionaire entrepreneur Race Danner, and have him drop the charges against her brother-in-law. She discovers he holds an exclusive poker game once a week and finds a way in.

Race Danner is bored with his life, despite his wealth and extreme hobbies. He doesn’t know exactly what he’s looking for, but he’ll know it when he sees it. When Jacqueline Bell walks into his life, he knows she’s it. She wants something from him. And he wants her. A combination made in heaven. In a delicious game of cat and mouse, he will leverage his advantage to lure her into his game. And he fully intends to win.

Warning: This story has Domination, submission, bondage, punishment, and a lot of other fun things, plus explicit, wild sexual encounters. After all, if you’re going to play, play hard! ;)

The way I heard about Opal Carew was through a friend who read MASTERED BY HER CAPTOR (Mastered By #5) and she told me how it was so hot. I had read Fifty Shades and I wasn't looking for anything that was related to BDSM as I thought it was such a horrid world.

Here in Opal Carew's take, it was different. The novella centers around Jacqueline Bell who wants to help her sister by getting her brother in Law who got into a deep load of shit when Race Danner pressed charges against him.

After the little woman crashes Race's poker party, he sees her and it's as if it's love at first sight. She wants something from him, and he wants her. They're a perfect match, right? Jacqueline is then thrust into a world full of BDSM and goes that far for her sister. Would you? 

Well, I would gladly do it if I had to go all through what Jacqueline went through. Opal Carew uses the right perspective of third person and switches from the woman to the man.  Now when judging the story, it's a fantasy. I don't think a billionaire would do this but it was far better than Fifty Shades. I think that you aren't suppose to take this book serious and it allows you to slip into a pure erotic world.

I love Jaqueline, she was so likable. The fact that she was doing this for her sister was so touching. It shows that she isn't weak and isn't a slut (she's not even used to wearing her tight dress, and even Race could tell). Race on the other hand was alright. He wasn't my favorite hero, but he was a likeable one.

The one thing I didn't like about this book was the fact that it was a tad too short. I would have loved if Opal Carew wrote a new series focusing off these two characters. But since it was short, it was fast-paced, so you don't have to look hard for the sweaty bits.

As far as the sex scenes go, I thought that I was reading or rather viewing a X-rated flick. The writing was wonderful, I don't know how the author can write under another name with books that she doesn't hold back. Seriously, is the author a dominant herself?

I couldn't help but smile. When I read the book, I read it on the subway and I kept moving while I was reading it on my phone. The man next to me got very annoyed, but he probably knew why as I couldn't help but blush!

I definitely enjoyed this one. I think that you will too. Purchase it! It's available as eBook on all of your favorite retailers and as paperback on CreateSpace and amazon. For more info check it out on Ms. Carew's website where all of the links are.

So the rating you may ask?


read it?

Sexy? Check!



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