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Interview with Grace Callaway + Review + Giveaway

Hey readers of the world, welcome the hell back to my blog! Today I have a real treat! I'll be interviewing one of my favorite authors Grace Callaway! I love Grace's books so much not only because of her writing, but because when I was in my early teens and suffering from child abuse, I found her books and they helped me heal.
I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.
Grace if you're reading this, thank you so much. I aspire to be like you now that I'm trying indie-publishing.

National & International Bestselling Author Grace Callaway writes steamy historical romances set in the Regency and Victorian eras. Her debut manuscript, Her Husband's Harlot, was a Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® Finalist and #1 Kindle Regency Bestseller. Since then, books in her Mayhem in Mayfair and Heart of Enquiry series have gone on to become national & international bestsellers.

Growing up, Grace could almost always be found with her nose in a book (not much has changed), her favorites being those by Amanda Quick, Judith McNaught, and Lisa Kleypas. In between reading romances, Grace got her doctorate from the University of Michigan and now practices clinical psychology. She and her family live in California, where their adventures include remodeling a ramshackle house, exploring the great outdoors, and sampling local artisanal goodies.


1. What made you wanna become an author?

Although I’ve always loved writing, I didn’t start writing a book until after the birth of my son. Balancing parenting, marriage, and a full-time career had its challenges, and writing became my way to cope with the pressures of the everyday—something I did purely for myself. Since I’ve been a life-long lover of romance, I decided to write what I loved to read.

2. Your first novel 'Her Husband's Harlot' was a finalist for the RWA Golden Heart contest. How did it feel?

Being a finalist for the Golden Heart was an unexpected and thrilling honor. Not only did it boost my confidence, it provided opportunities for networking and professional development.

3. Why did you go indie and not traditional?

Around the time I learned that I was a finalist in the Golden Heart, I also signed on with a literary agent. The agent shopped my novel around, but none of the traditional houses wanted it. The feedback I received from many editors was that, while they liked the writing, my book didn’t “fit” with their existing lines (i.e., it was too different). Around the same time, my best friend and critique partner had become an overnight indie success, and she convinced me to try self-publishing. I took her advice, Her Husband’s Harlot hit #1 in Regency Romance on Amazon soon after publication, and I haven’t looked back since.

4. Looking back on it now, would you become traditionally published?

I have absolutely no regrets about my career trajectory. Indie publishing has given me phenomenal opportunities, and I’m grateful for each and every one. At the same time, I recognize that there are pluses and minuses to all modes of publishing—be it indie, traditional, or hybrid—and the formula for success for one author might be completely different for another. I think it’s critical for authors to research what different types of publishing offer for their specific market and also to consider how their own working style and expectations meld with each publishing pathway.

5. How do you manage to juggle with your kids and write at the same time!?

Coffee. A lot.

6. Is there any reason as to why you only write Historical Romance?

I grew up reading historicals so they will always be my first love. For me, the dynamic landscape and deliciously strict social mores of Regency and Victorian England provide a perfect backdrop for epic hot romance and intrigue. Not to mention, there are the fabulous clothes.

7. What are you working on now?

I’m currently wrapping up The Gentleman Who Loved Me, which is the long-awaited romance between Primrose Kent and Andrew Corbett. Readers have been asking about Andrew ever since he first appeared as a paid cicisbeo in Her Protector’s Pleasure. Fast forward sixteen years and now he’s one of London’s most successful (and notorious) businessmen, with one goal in mind: to protect the young girl he once loved like a little sister. But when he meets the grown-up Primrose, a tempestuous beauty, his feelings are anything but brotherly. To reach their happily ever after, the two must navigate the stormy seas of their passion… and evade the machinations of the villain who wants Primrose dead.

The book will be released on June 8, 2017.


Never Say Never To An Earl, 

Before I found Grace Callaway, I found Anne Rice's 'Sleeping Beauty'. If I could describe Grace's stories I'd describe them as 'Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty meets Romeo & Juliette'. But this book was just 'wow'. It made me actually want to contact Grace and ask her for an interview.

This isn't like your typical historical romance. There are plenty of psychological aspects and points in this novel. It shows the characters' true colors in my opinion, and it drives tension between them as well. 
Speak of characters...

I've never read a story where the hero is bipolar. To make matters worse there was no treatment at that time. But that could be overlooked ladies as he's a hunk with true feelings! Grace managed to capture the true essence of being bipolar, trust me I know and allows us to feel sympathetic to this man.

That being said, I didn't enjoy Polly as much. She had some self-esteem issues, something that I don't like. She wasn't my type of female. 

The secondary characters were a great addition to the story. The hero's family was much better that the heroine's family. They were 'real', not just some plastic or some cardboard characters you'd find from a Fifty Shades book.

Sex, sex, and sex. Beware, don't read this book if you can't handle sex. Well written, I was pleased to find third person in this story, it fit perfectly.

Not fast-paced and not slow either. It'll make you enjoy every single word.


This book is up there with Anne Rice, buy it!

Click here for more info about it!


Today I'll be giving away all four of 'The Mayhem in Mayfair' books (NOTE: Not as a box set. I repurchased all of the books as eBooks singularly just for this giveaway even though I already have them).
I'll also be giving away eBook copies of my debut novel 'Consumed By You' which was praised by USA Today bestselling author Kelly Anne Blount.

What you need to do?

  • Follow this blog
  • Sign up for Grace's Newsletter or like one of her social media pages
  • Contact me via Contact Forum and tell me what you did!
Winner announced in a week.

I also interviewed Tina Folsom (Grace's friend) a few days ago and I'm hosting a giveaway there too! Click here. For my child abuse/depression story here. Also please check out my novel Consumed By You CLICK HERE, it would mean a lot (or message me if you want an ARC Copy!).

P.S. You can expect an interview from New York Times Bestselling Author Kat Shehata!
Coming soon!


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