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Interview With Trisha Leight/Lyla Payne + Review + Giveaway!

Hey, guys, my name is Eli and welcome the hell back to my blog. Before we get into details I apologize in advance to all those who emailed me in regards to this interview. I was very sick! But anyway, today I'll be interviewing USA Today bestselling author Lyla Payne or you might know her as Trisha Leigh. I couldn't believe it! Seriously, also I'll be reviewing 'The Playboy Prince'!!!


Trisha Leigh is a product of the Midwest, which means it’s pop, not soda, garage sales, not tag sales, and you guys as opposed to y’all. Most of the time. She’s been writing seriously for five years now, and has published 4 young adult novels and 4 new adult novels (under her pen name Lyla Payne). Her favorite things, in no particular order, include: reading, Game of Thrones, Hershey’s kisses, reading, her dogs (Yoda and Jilly), summer, movies, reading, Jude Law, coffee, and rewatching WB series from the 90’s-00’s. 

Her family is made up of farmers and/or almost rock stars from Iowa, people who numerous, loud, full of love, and the kind of people that make the world better. Trisha tries her best to honor them, and the lessons they’ve taught, through characters and stories—made up, of course, but true enough in their way. 

Trisha is the author of THE LAST YEAR series and the WHITMAN UNIVERSITY books. She’s represented by Kathleen Rushall at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.


1. What prompted you to start writing? 
I've always been a big reader, and several years ago I thought "I'm going to try to write a book." The first one was terrible, but I like to think I've improved since then! I wrote things when I was a kid and then in high school, but no one ever mentioned the fact that being an author could be a viable career. :)

2. Did you try to go traditional before becoming indie?
Yes. I queried for a couple of years and had an agent for my YA (Whispers in Autumn) but our relationship didn't work out (I ended it) and at that point, no one wanted to buy dystopian novels since Hunger Games, Divergent, Matched, etc were all published. So I decided to do it myself.

3. Do you regret it?
No. Publishing indie allowed me to quit a job that I had hated for 10 years and work full time as an author. It's made my dreams of not only writing, but having readers who love my books, come true.

4. What were your expectations when you first hit publish?
I wasn't sure what to expect - my goal was simply to sell enough books to pay my parents back for the cost of publishing.

5. Did you ever think you'd become a USA Today bestseller? How did it feel?
I didn't, but I hoped. It felt like success and validation, and to be honest, left me a little breathless. Great.

6. Do you have any advice for aspiring self-publishers?
First and foremost, do everything you can to make sure that the product you're putting out there is on par with the products that publishing houses put out there. Hire editors, make sure your cover is professional, etc.

Second, don't expect success overnight. It takes time to find readers and to earn their loyalty.

7. You have a strong readership and your an inspiration to others how does it feel?
Like I've gotten everything I ever wanted. Having people read my stories, connect to my characters, and be anxious for more is better than hitting any list.

8. What are you working on?
The next book in my Lowcountry series, as well as a fantasy YA for my agent to hopefully sell.

9. Which is your favorite book that you've written?

That's a hard question! Probably Not Quite Dead, though Whispers in Autumn (my first) will always have a special place in my heart. Broken at Love was the easiest book I ever wrote, and it changed my life when it hit the USAToday list. Return Once More is also near and dear.


Prince Salvadore Piacere is not only okay with his status as the “spare” royal - he revels in it. Salvy is more than happy to let his older brother Niccolo deal with the duties of the crown while he uses his position to burn through the finer things in life…especially women.

After one too many “I’m carrying the royal baby” scandals and one particularly wild night in Vegas, King Alfonso has had enough. He gives Salvy an ultimatum - either get serious and settle down, or join the church.

Salvy has no intention of spending his life in celibacy, but neither does marriage hold much appeal. To counter the king’s ridiculous threat, he comes up with a silly idea of his own: he’s going to hold a ball to pick out his future bride.

By the time the king learns of his younger son’s plans, the invitations have been sent and there’s no backing out. But there are two things Salvy didn’t count on, though—his scheming Uncle Luca and Magdalena Rossi.

The former is angry over his lost birthright, and determined to be King of Cielo no matter what the cost. The second, is the royal tailor’s daughter. And while she has confidence in her ability to fit Prince Salvy with the perfect suit, she never dreamed she herself would be the perfect fit for his playboy soul.

Okay, I'm reviewing Lyla Payne's Playboy Prince!
I loved the fact that this was a modern day Cinderella story but unlike most stories (like A Cinderella Story) they don't use actual princes! This isn't the case here.
I don't want to give any spoilers out there and I'm strictly focusing on the critiquing it.

Ever since I read 'Broken At Love' I was obsessed with Trisha Leigh/Lyla Payne. I have all of her books on my kindle and I quickly purchased The Playboy Prince when it came out. I was very shocked because I didn't finish it. Now the reason was because that I wasn't overly enjoyed with the beginning.
In my opinion, it came out slow. I decided to give it another chance for this blog post and I'm so happy I did. Right after, everything began to pick up! The story had great character development. I love the relationship of Salvadore and Magdalena. It went from their childhood and it felt sweet and real.
I'm very happy that Lyla, wrote this in third person. Okay, first person is good too and she did a great job with it in her Whitman University books but it wouldn't have worked in this book. I found myself laughing sometimes and feeling as if I was going to cry. That doesn't happen to me often, you know, feeling as if I'm going to cry?!
Maybe Trisha/Lyla has powers and used them on me? Maybe that's how she got her inspiration for The Cavy Files. I'm just saying!
I loved Salvadore. He's the typical bad boy who does have a soft side. I understand what he was going through. But if I was that rich, I'd party all night (but with protection! Always with protection!)
Oh and by the way, get ready for some cold showers! I mean, ice cold cause the book that you are about to read is steamy as hell. And no not mommy porn like Fifty Shades trash, I mean well-written porn. Well, I wouldn't classify this novel as a pornographic novel but it is steamy!

Would I recommend it?

Click here for more info!
Click here for Lyla Payne's site!


Okay, this is the part that most of you want! I learned that Trisha gave a birth to her first kid (That's why this interview was a bit delayed) and I made it on a no. 1 amazon bestseller list and my new novella hit the erotic thriller bestseller list at no. 80!
To celebrate, all that I made a book trailer of the Wait For Me series (mine) and I'm giving away all five of Lyla's Whitman University books as eBooks (NOTE: THE BOOKS THAT ARE BEING GIVEN AWAY WERE REPURCHASED FOR THIS GIVEAWAY).

Hopefully you check the book out. I wrote it when I was being abused by
my dad and the book basically has my fantasies (Does this make me a killer)
about revenge as I was also bullied by my peers.
wanna hear your thoughts people!
  1. Download this book (it's free) here
  2. Follow Lyla on social media
  3. Come back and tell me what you did by commenting or messaging me!

That's it! I'm trying to find other authors to interview!

#1 Amazon Bestselling Author
Eli Bauer


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