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Showing posts from July, 2017

Stripped Bare By Emma Hart Review + Jumbo Giveaway

Hey, readers of the world! Sorry, I haven’t been posting shit, but I’ve been busy! I’m in Europe on a vacay and publishing books, and submitting to agents! But today, I’ll be reviewing New York Times Bestselling Author, Emma Hart’s, Stripped Bare. It’s my first Emma Hart novel, and I have some strong opinions about it. I’ll also be doing a large Emma Hart giveaway.

How My Book Became An #1 International Bestseller

Hey guys! So today I'll be doing something different! Rather than writing and reviewing novels, or interviewing books, I'll be sharing with you guys some information.  This week, my novella  'Consumed By You'  became an #1 International bestseller! To do something special, I'll be sharing with you guys how my book became an international bestseller.

Interview + Review + Giveaway Vanessa Vale!

Hi Guys! Welcome back to my blog. Before you say anything, I know I haven't updated anything but, it's because I've been on a vacation, and I'm super busy with writing! Anyway, today I have a real treat. I'll be interviewing USA TODAY Bestselling Author Vanessa Vale, reviewing one of her books and hosting a giveaway!