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COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS! Interview + Review With Lynn Rush

HELLO EVERYONE! Welcome the hell back to my blog.
I know I haven't been active, at all... BUT THAT IS GONNA CHANGE! Everyday until Christmas, I'll be posting an interview, review, tips etc!
Plus, there's a gigantic Christmas giveaway. Click here, for the details. Today I'm interview NY Times Bestselling Author Lynn Rush, and I'm gonna be reviewing one of her novels!
I'm so excited!

New York Times & USA Today best-selling author, Lynn Rush, hails from the land of 10,000 lakes and cold, snowy winters. She’s known to weave a little of that frigid Minnesota climate into her stories, but these days, she much prefers desert living. She resides in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, and when she's not busy writing her next trilogy, she can be found pounding the pavement, training for her next endurance event. Agent: Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.

1. What inspired you to write? 

I read a book by Frank Peretti, This Present Darkness, and was inspired. I just loved how he wrote angels and demons. I’ve always loved that stuff, so I decided to give it a shot. Within a handful of months, I had 87,000 words done and no idea what to do next. LOL!

2. Indie or trad-publishing, which road have you chosen and why? 

Both. I chose getting a publisher with my first three trilogies. I decided to give self-publishing a try with my Touch of Frost trilogy, but I didn’t really enjoy the process. Too technical for me. LOL! But when my first publisher closed its doors, I decided to self-publish the Violet Night trilogy. For now, I think I’m done with self-publishing. I really like Radish and Wattpad, so I’ll stick with them until another publisher picks up a book of mine.

3. Did you ever think you'd make it onto the NY Times bestseller list? 

NEVER, Never, never, ever thought that would happen. I’m beyond blessed.

4. How did you find Radish? 

Kate Evangelista referred me. It’s been a fun process. 

5. Do you think Radish has helped you career as a writer? 

Sure. More exposure, reaching new readers. It’s been great. The staff there are awesome, too. Helpful!

6. Why do you think serial fiction is so popular? 

Keeping people on edge, like TV, week to week…I think people love that.  It’s addicting. Kind of a rush, you know? Giving stories in short bits works with everyone’s busy lifestyles, too.

7. Was it hard finding a literary agent?

 Sure was. Took me many years, many rejections…Just hung in there long enough to find the absolute perfect fit. Nicole over at the Seymour Agency is really awesome.

8. What tips can you give authors who are trying to find an agent?

 Keep at it. Get to conferences to meet them face-to-face. Hone your craft. Don’t get discouraged. Rejections are part of this industry. Take each one in stride and learn from it. It’ll make you a stronger writer. 

9. What are you working on? 

I just finished a Middle Grade project called Expired. Got it back from my amazing crit partner so I’m ready to hack it up so Super Agent can put it out on submission next year. Right now I’m uploading chapters of Wasteland to Radish Fiction and Jaded Rage over at Wattpad. I’m having fun with that! I like Wattpad a lot because I can interact with readers more. When they leave comments or posting on their wall, etc. It’s super fun. I joined it ages ago, just never got active. I can thank fellow Agency Mate, Kelly Blount for pushing me to do it.   XOXO



Today, I'll be reviewing Frostbite.

The book tells the story of Amanda, a girl who can shoot snow from her hands. The thing I disliked about her is that, she wants a normal life. That's a bit cliche. Scientists killed her parents 4 years ago and they are also determined to catch her.

Amanda lives in Arizona with her bro, and she hides her powers while keeping a lookout for the scientists.

I like that Amanda was strong, and she had to fight. It almost feels like Frozen but, with a stronger storyline.
It truly was refreshing and made me on the edge of the seats. THERE ARE PLOT TWISTS but, thankfully the book is written well.

Everything was well written and...  I LOVED ZACH!

Her Best friend Georgia is the best friend you always wanted, and Amanda loves her like a sister. Scott was a great Big Brother, not too controlling, treated 17 yr old Amanda as an adult really, but I think I would have liked a bit more background information on how and why the 'coats' were after them. (maybe we find out more in book 2)


The book is super cheap at 99 cents! I highly recommend it.




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