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Where have I been?

Hi guys, I know what you’re thinking.
Where have you been. I’ve taken a long hiatus from social media, writing, and blogging since February. It was highly needed in my case. I know, I know ‘the innocent always look guilty when they defend themselves.’ I get it, you have every right to be mad.
First, I just want to say thank you to the 50+ of you that reached out via email to me. Yes, I’m alright and am frankly doing great. So no need to worry.
As many of you know, I am a student. This was my first year of college and I was figuring things out. With finals, studying, and just having fun, I wanted to distance myself from social media. Many of you know, Eli Bauer is my pen-name (if you don’t know, Eli is my nickname and the name of someone who is very important to my life, and Bauer is a pen-name :) ) and I’ve been balancing things on my plate. 
This year, I completed my exams and am pleased to reported I did well. Also, I got in touch with my family again and we’re (Thankfully) do great. 
Now, I knew I had to continue where I left things off. 
I’ve decided to re-brand myself as an author. Over the course of my hiatus I’ve written five books in total, but don’t want the hassle of publishing them. It’s just too much work wether you take the indie route or traditional route with my schedule.
But, I want my stories out there to be read and be loved or hated (preferably the first) by readers. I thought about serial fiction, and of course, WATTPAD. However, the industry is changing, and I landed on a different platform. Nothing is set, so I don’t want to reveal any details.
They get tons of applications, but let’s just keep our fingers crossed.
If I’m not accepted I’ll head to the indie route. As a treat, ALL of my books will be free. I’ve read the book, How to Write Non-Fiction by Joanna Penn, and it changed my mindset. I’m not the type of person who enjoys marketing, but I’ve built up a marketing plan. If I head in this direction you can expect a book every 2-3 months. BUT… If I do go this route, I’ll be releasing three books back to back within a month!
Back to the rebranding.
My work has been REWRITTEN. Instead of focusing only on ‘serious’ romance, I’ve headed to romcom. I don’t know why, but this genre has captivated me. Also, I’d like to start off fresh with writing, and that’s why I’ll be writing under E. M. Bauer (if you’re wondering, the M, is the first initial of my name).
I’ll also be focusing on blogging and potentially moving this site over to a new one by the end of July/early August. (Nothing is official). You can expect writing advice, book reviews, interviews, and of course…. GIVEAWAYS!!!
I’m really excited to the future and getting back on social media. I enjoyed the hiatus, but it was torture not being able to connect with authors and readers. 
I think that’s everything. 
So, happy 4th of July and I hope to see you again.


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